Reading and writing
Pause or play the song.
Do you read? How often? / Do you write? How often?
The mastery of writing and reading skills will allow us to learn how to use and identify vocabulary, grammar structures, and punctuation marks from and for different topics.
The use of reading and writing should be practised continuously in order to complement our Second or Foreign Language command. In Mexico, most of us are not accustomed to reading or writing. The last situation could be one of the reasons that provoke our English learners have difficulties to learn a foreign language
¿Lees? ¿Con qué frecuencia? / ¿Escribes? ¿Con qué frecuencia?
Tal vez, al igual que yo alguna vez, no lo sepas, pero la lectura y la escritura en el aprendizaje de cualquier parte del conocimiento es sumamente importante. Incluso, el que sepas escribir y leer en español es necesario para acelerar la forma en que aprendemos el idioma inglés o cualquier lengua extranjera. Desafortunadamente, la mayoría de los mexicanos no estamos acostumbrados a ejercer estas dos actividades. Muchos, al igual que yo, hemos comenzado algo tarde a incursionar en estos dos aspectos, sin embargo nos hemos dado cuenta de que con constancia e idea si se logra mejorar sustancialmente. ¨Por supuesto, hay que dedicar tiempo y esfuerzo.
September, 2017
How to read / What to read
Reading is an importavt activitity that helps you to learn about the world. It develops your imagination. Through reading you increase your knowledge and general culture. For many years, I struggled trying to find the way to acquire knowledge. I used to spend many hours, days and weeks on the same topic until I discovered that learning ad reading strategies need to be practiced with sense as to be improved.
Nowadays, I pay attention to these reading strategies; I focus on the way I pronounce the words and the content words. I also read fast as to be a global learner. Sometimes I become an analytic reader and pay attention to several details such as pronunication, origin of the word, etc. Aditionally, I've realized that the more I read, the more I write. It is because of the reading activity keeps your brain conscious of many phenomena that become automatic when you write or speak. That's why; I consider that reading is a fundamental aspect in learning a second language.
Cómo leer y qué leer
Practica tus estrategias de lectura y escritura todos los días. Lee todos los días para que tu cerebro este activo y puedas recuperar información de todo lo que lees de manera inmediata. No dejes de trabajar tu memoria. Hoy e día me he dado cuenta que las bases de la escritura están en los que leemos. Así también, lo que hablamos provienen de lo ponemos en nuestros cerebros. Me ha costado llegar hasta aquí, y aunque ha aún sigo trabajando, me llena de felicidad el hecho de que voy avanzando. Inténtalo tú también. Suerte!
About the reading events in my life today
November 11, 2016
Again, I focus my personal experiences on my context that is Mexico.
Up to now, I have realized that some readings for some students, including me, result very complicated because of we, students, do not have reading strategies strong enough as to understand complex vocabulary involved in a context in which we have never been immersed. Teachers are supposed to be the good ones for reading, but they hardly ever inform students how to achieve this work. Teachers sometimes provide students reading passages which contain information that is beyond the students' domains. Do the teachers know that? I am sure that they know it, but they take the risk and make the student struggle with the comprehension of the readings. In my case, I have spent hours and days trying to understand the point of view of the author or authors. At the end, and during the class, the teachers ended saying; "I knew it was going to be a comlex task for you guys". Meanwhile, we have not achieved other readings for other subjects in the case we are studying a career.
The positive factor about what I have observed in some of my teachers is that I can create or adapt some ideas to work with during the reading sessions in order to avoid similar drawbacks in my students.
Provide a general view of the reading (I am supposed to be familiar with the topic).
Explain complex ideas or vocabulary.
Leave the students alone for a while in order to make them feel free to ask each other any kind of doubt.
Design a questionnaire to check out the student's comprehension.
Create a space in the class to debate the topic.
I will apply these ideas. I'll try to make them work, but if some of them need to be adjusted or improved, I will work on that in order to give the students the better conditions to get the best out of the reading sessions.
Finally, I just want to say that most of the teachers in Mexico are not going to investigate if the students know how to perform a reading comprehension task. They only provide the materials and the rest of the work depends on the students skills to complete the task.
Sobre los pasajes de la lectura en mi vida de hoy
Noviembre 11, 2016
Nuevamente centro mis experiencias personales en el contexto que es México.
En estos días o meses hemos tenido lecturas muy complejas y densas en algunas materias del programa de Lingüística Aplicada. A pesar de que los estudiantes somos mayores de edad y además hemos sido maestros, no todos tenemos estrategias de lectura lo suficientemente buenas como para entender conceptos muy profundos o nuevos que en ocasiones sólo los que dirigen los cursos conocen. Entonces, mi reflexión se encamina a que el maestro que imparte el curso debería dar un panorama general de lo que las lecturas van a hablar para que de esa forma el alumno se quede con una cierta idea del fenómeno a tratar.
En las partes de la clase donde se utiliza la lectura, muchos maestros ya dan por hecho que los alumnos han desarrollado formas de lectura precisas y estos quieren mantener un ritmo parejo del grupo en tiempo y forma. Sin embargo, he notado que durante las participaciones y comentarios de los alumnos algunos no logramos entender ciertos detalles de la misma lectura, lo cual hace que uno espere lo más que se pueda a que otro diga lo que entendió de ese o esos detalles.
Después de este análisis, he establecido los siguientes pasos para la utilización de las lecturas en el aula
Dar un panorama general de la lectura a los estudiantes.
Explicar terminología que pudiera ser compleja.
Trabajar un cuestionario sobre los aspectos que deben resolver o sobre los que versarán los comentarios (comprensión).
Durante las lecturas en el aula dejar al grupo momentáneamente solos para que entre ellos pudieran darse un poco de ayuda (hoy noté que esto era necesario).
Dar un tiempo para el debate, ya que es aquí en donde podríamos ajustar conceptos o respuestas.
Obviamente, hay otras formas de trabajar la lectura, pero para mi esto que acabo de escribir sería un complemento que ha surgido después del análisis en espacios en donde yo soy alumno. Ahora necesito someter este trabajo a prueba, y observar los resultados para poder mejorarlo o cambiarlo.
En lo que me he podido dar cuenta es que en general el maestro de cualquier materia de los niveles de enseñanza para adolescentes o mayores, los maestros no investigan para saber si los alumnos saben llevar a cabo lecturas de comprensión. Probablemente esta no es su chamba o parte de su trabajo, pero creo que sería útil y necesario.
Utiliza el cursor en cada uno de los siguientes sitios
1. Activating knowledge
Questionnaire. - Answer the questions supporting the answers both, using the theoretical bases and also your personal experience.
1. What is writing?
I would say from my personal experience that writing is one of the linguistic skills and its combination of letters, words and punctuation marks are necessary for giving form to a text in which people normally express ideas and thoughts.
On the other hand, Byrne (1991) starts from the idea that writing is the act of forming graphic symbols although he also considers that writing is much more than the production of symbols.
Byrne (1991) completes the basic idea by saying that “we produce a sequence of sentences arrange in a particular order and linked together in certain ways”.
I totally agree with this author on the idea that writing is a no-spontaneous activity that requires some conscious mental effort, as in the process of taking information from the writer’s knowledge. This situation or stage could involve different mental efforts as he mentions.
2. Why teach writing?
Because writing is a difficult activity for most of us. It is a language skill that requires precision especially when we want to communicate our ideas or thoughts in the most accurate and educated way.
We need to think that writing is a part of the integrated language process. We use writing for many reasons, but in our teaching classes it must be seen as a very important tool that let us grow in communicating what we think. I also think that writing gives us the opportunity to organize our ideas with the aid of certain patterns.
Byrne (1991) states five pedagogical purposes to learn writing:
a) It may be an aid to retention.
b) It can be a tangible evidence to check progress in the language.
c) It is a skill that acts in an integrated form along with the other language skills.
d) It can increase the amount of language contact through work that can be set out of class.
e) It is often needed for formal and informal testing.
3. Byrne (1991) states 3 problems about writing: psychological, linguistic and cognitive ones. Explain briefly each of them.
Byrne (1991) starts the searching of these problems by contrasting in certain form the situations that occur in the oral communication especially in a process of interaction, then, comparing the oral activity with writing. This is what Byrne (1991) visualizes about the three types of problems:
The psychological problems are caused because writing is a solitary activity with no possibility of interaction or the immediate benefit of feedback.
The linguistic problems occur because in writing we do not have the chance of supporting our activity on features that oral communication may provide such as repetition, backtracking, expansion, etc.
In writing, according to Byrne, we do not have all that range of devices at our disposal to get our meaning across.
The cognitive problems are specially detected because writing is learned through a process of instruction which implies that we have to learn some patterns and structures that are not normally used in speaking, for instance.
4. Which are considered the general approaches (focus on accuracy, on fluency, on text) for teaching writing?
Focus on accuracy: Accuracy-oriented approaches tend to work in order to eliminate written mistakes which are made by the students because they are allowed to write what they want. These approaches will give students the experience of writing connected sentences because these approaches control or manipulate exercises in which students can find writing guidance for making, among other things, formal correctness.
Focus on fluency: This approach encourages students to write as much as they want without worrying about making mistakes so that writing may tend to be an enjoyable experience.
Keeping a diary can be used to track this type of approaches.
Focus on text: The paragraph is the basic unit of written expression in this approach that’s why this approach is concerned to teach students how to construct and organize paragraphs.
Some of the techniques that this approach uses are:
Forming paragraphs from jumbled sentences
Writing parallel paragraphs
Developing paragraphs from topic sentences
Focus on purpose: this approach based writing in the reason of writing and to whom we write; that is, students are allow to write purposefully.
BYRNE, D. (1991) “Teaching Writing Skills”. Hong Kong: Longman.
The process of writing.
Writing has been considered an important language skill that has been tried in different ways to go about it. According to Raimes (1993, cited in Tribble 1996) there are three main writing approaches to teach writing; focus on the form, focus on the writer, focus on the reader. They are supposed to cover the major movements of writing.
In my opinion, the teacher, who gives a course in writing, must be prepared and with wide knowledge of this approaches so that he or she can project and foster students’ backgrounds in writing, knowing beforehand that the writer’s requirements would probably be the content knowledge, the context knowledge, the language system knowledge, and the writing process knowledge as Tribble (1996) states.
The writing process shown here includes the different stages that Tribble mentions such as prewriting, writing, revising, editing, and publishing as well as some characteristics of certain elements that may be common in my English classes.
Tribble, C. 1996. Writing. Hong Kong: OUP.
What writers need to know
Tribble (1996) stresses four kinds of knowledge in order to achieve success at a writing task: knowledge of content, knowledge of context, knowledge of language system, and knowledge of writing process.
The factors that help a writer to reach certain mastery have to be with, among other things, the knowledge which will give him clarity in the expressions of ideas and arguments.
Chances are that some of our students’ writing problems are related to appropriateness of L1 and L2, but it is in L2 where major problems may be detected.
In my opinion, the percentages of the four types of knowledge change a little bit depending on the assignment we are talking about; however, the more complete the writer is the more accurate the intellectual organization is. This is, the writer needs to know the purpose of writing and have as much information as he can about all the mentioned types of knowledge.
Most of my students come to take L2 classes because they are looking for some types of International Examinations such as KET, PET, FCE, CAE, TOEFL, etc., this tasks lead us to use the writing process as our main priority. We have seen that the mastery of writing help writers to strengthen his intellectual organization that will strengthen his linguistic abilities for instance the oral production.
As my students keep learning parts of the writing process, I also try to forge ahead with my personal writing knowledge that is supported by this academic subject.
Finally, I consider that the writing process involves not only academic factors but the social ones too. That is, the knowledge organization has to be with writer’s experience which will help him to be more effective.
Tribble, C. 1996. Writing. Hong Kong: OUP.
Planning lesson
Writing as a productive skill is normally developed along with other language skills so that writers can improve their metalanguage process. In the following paper, I adapted writing with other language skills in order to get as much as possible of the use of them, especially writing, and demonstrate the importance of writing in our lesson plans by creating different activities.
Description of the group
The group comprises 6 level-one students of an English course at a Language School in México. They are from 17 to 25 years old. Some are Preparatory students and a couple of them have already a career each one.
These students have learned the fact that English language is going to be very important in their lives and they agree with this idea. Additionally, they seem to be highly motivated to accept the ideas or the reasons over which we are learning English, so I expect that the activities in this lesson plan will go smoothly.
Writing evaluation: Phrasal verbs.
Name: ____________ Level:____________ Date: _____________
Activity 1. Look at the following phrasal verbs and their definitions.
Verb Meaning Example
Ask someone out Invite on a date Brian asked Judy out to dinner and a movie.
Ask around Ask many people the same question I asked around but nobody has seen my wallet.
Add up to something Equal Your purchases add up to $205.32.
Back something up Reverse You'll have to back up your car so that I can get out.
Back someone up Support My wife backed me up over my decision to quit my job.
Activity 2. Now write your story.
Use a minimum of 50 words. Check punctuation marks and grammar structures.
Your grade will be based on:
1. Accuracy:_______ 2. Range of Vocabulary: _______ 3. Organization: _________ 4. Task Achievement: _________ 5. Spelling: ________
“When we see something wrong with a piece of writing work, we must first try to decide whether it is an error or a mistake”. Donn Byrne.
In written tasks, English teachers must be aware of the importance that correcting mistakes has as well as the importance of providing constant, accurate and timely feedback. Byrne (1991) states that in practice, we cannot expect our students to correct all the mistakes by themselves; however, we must pay attention to what we teach and in the way we teach it, so that mistakes could not be a really common factor.
Although I cannot provide evidence of what many English students have commented me, I can say that they normally gain confidence when teachers show a friendly attitude to help them to solve their doubts. On the other hand, many students feel frustrated to fail and also quit English courses because teachers’ attitude is not totally covering a friendlier and closer role to lead and track them in language skills including, of course, writing.
I have always said that there is some difference between teaching English at language schools where small groups are formed and teaching at large sized classes in which the teacher normally need not only attitude but also energy and endurance to walk around the isles of the chairs to detect written mistakes and provide timely help and explanation.
Correction procedures by Byrne and my teaching experience.
a) Correct all the mistakes. It is the traditional approach with two special characteristics according to the author; time-consuming for the teacher and despondency for the students. Well, of course that all kind of correction absorbs time in major grade for any of the two roles; the teacher or the student. However, it is important to create the adequate conditions in classroom so that teachers can avoid the negative implications that the approach itself may involve.
b) Correct mistakes selectively. Using this approach, the teacher only selects mistakes in certain areas of the writing piece. It cannot be considered time consuming for the teacher at all, but sometimes remedial classes or extra help will complete the task in the classroom. Again students must be encouraged by providing real examples of the most common mistakes according to the topic or linguistic elements that are touched, so we may avoid constant mistakes.
c) Indicate mistakes so that the students can correct them. In my opinion this approach is more complete and let students analyze the mistake that they produced. Teachers underline written mistakes and marked them with symbols based on the type of mistake that students can understand easily. Table of symbols is shown in annex 1. The activity of correction can be developed under different dynamics. I personally prefer pair work and small groups.
d) Let the students identify and correct their own mistakes. Byrne mentions that this approach can occasionally be accepted with certain enjoyment on the students’ side; however, I think that the teacher should be attentive to the development of the correction stage. In my opinion, the lack of attention on the teachers’ side may lead the activity to become a boring one especially in large groups.
e) Explain a mistake. It consists in writing a comment in the margin or at the end of a piece of written work. I agree with Byrne when he mentions that this kind of approach is useful for drawing attention to recurrent mistakes. I like this kind of approach and I use it with large and small groups as well as in individual writing lessons. Students have to send me their written work in word presentation via mail so that I can explain the mistakes. Then I ask the rewrite their works.
f) Indicate to the students that they should consult you about a mistake. Very often the students suggest the correction when their attention has been drawn to a mistake. My learning process taught me that teachers hardly ever have time to go deeply into mistake explanation. This situation made me feel interested in providing help whenever students need it. Additionally, the teacher’s role is an important part for the writing process.
g) Use the mistake as a basis for remedial teaching. Individual remedial work is set if most of the students made common mistakes. Although remedial teaching for correcting mistakes is interesting and attractive, I think that experience should prevent the mistakes that have been detected in prior courses. Anyway, we should use this program to design accurate correction.
The different procedures are important because they all provide correction by using some strategies designed for specific moments. Based on my teaching experience, I prefer to provide feedback openly; this is, I normally write on the board the mistake and we together change it for what is correct using the pertinent attitude to facilitate comprehension. All the approaches seen here complement my work and role as an English teacher.
Finally, and to the question; do you think that detailed teacher correction of written work is effective? I am sure that it is effective, but depends a lot on the way the teacher approximates the correction to the students. We need to have a positive attitude to them and above all have vocation to teach so that our students feel real support.
Annex 1: Extract of the table of written mistake correction provided by Byrne (1991).
S Incorrect spelling S S
I recieve jour letter
W.O. Wrong word order W.O.
We know well this city.
T Wrong tense T
If it will come, it will be too late
Byrne, D. (1991). Teaching Writing Skills. Hong Kong: Longman.
Writing process on the basis of the role of the teacher and the purpose for writing.
The different purposes that students follow for writing in L2 are supported by the general and specific goals of an English course which forms part of the pedagogic planning as described by Tribble (1996). Unchained from the writer’s purposes, we can say that a person focuses his purposes on situations among we find; telling a story, expressing feelings, describing an object, making a technical concept understandable, etc. In order to reach these aspects, the teacher’s role has to do with his own professional capacity to lead students and track their activities.
Writing process on the basis of the role of the teacher and the purpose for writing.
In the pedagogic planning as seen before, the writing process demands more attention by the teachers to reach the students’ purposes mentioned above. The individual effort of every L2 teacher plays a very important role to cover the students’ difficulties that affect them in learning how to write the English language. L2 teachers will also decide what kind of guidance is necessary to promote students’ confidence on their goal to lay out their ideas more clearly.
As a form of guidance in the writing process, which is considered a basic but important role of the L2 teachers, Byrne (1991) states that on a linguistic level, the ability to write a text is by using a text as the basic format for practice in the early stages. In my opinion, this way of eliciting students’ writing develops confidence and ability to use and reinforce structures that can be used and easily understood in higher levels of writing competence. This way, the writing texts can become more meaningful for the students whose attention to writing will become more and more important.
Writing, according to Byrne (1991), tends to be relegated to the level of exercises because it is more treated as a compendium of the lesson and not as a worthwhile learning activity. L2 teachers are required to inspire students’ writing so that it could be considered as a relevant activity that gives enormous advantages to reach the goal of mastering the language in a more natural sequence of the learning process. Additionally to the mention above, writing can become more effective if the attention put on the process is tracked and stimulated constantly.
On the other hand, Tribble (1996) also states that not all language learning activities lead students to write more effectively; however, it would have a great value to consider that the writing process needs to be feed of four relevant types of knowledge that the same author mentions. They are the content knowledge, the contest knowledge, the language system knowledge, and the writing process knowledge so that they can contribute to complete a successful writer.
We must also remember that people learn to speak at least one language fluently as stated by Tribble (1996); however, this condition is not applicable to the writing process in which people almost always require certain level of instruction. The last situation let us think of the importance of continuous learning and practice of elements in the different stages that help writers to improve the writing ability. Among these stages we find; prewriting, writing, revising, editing and finally publishing if it is possible.
Teachers must understand that for many of our L2 students, the writing process is not at all clear even after the classroom instruction. In my opinion, this could be one of the reasons that oblige us to maintain purposeful and accurate steps students should take in order to successfully complete their writing tasks. I also believe that if our students learn to use a systematic track of the writing process, they will become more successful and motivation for writing may become part of their lives.
A L2 teacher plays different roles during the writing process the attitude and aptitude seem to be a relevant characteristic of the teachers so that they could help their students to achieve writing tasks in order to improve their capacity of writing. We can list the following actions for achieving the writing process: promote and encourage real writing tasks in the classroom, plan sufficient time for writing activities, give real importance to the writing tasks, use the different focuses on writing, use the different stages and strategies for writing, display finish tasks in the wall, in the class book or even in the school bulletin board, etc.
Byrne, D. (1991) Teaching Writing Skills. Hong Kong: Longman.
Tribble, C. (1996). Writing. Hong Kong: OUP.
Purposes for writing extraído el 27 de Mayo del 2014 desde
The writing Process extraído el 28 de Mayo del 2014 desde
Check and scroll down the following site t find out more about this writing process
Each visual contains different writing tasks
Read Anna's article. Number the paragraphs in the correct order 1-4.
WRITE an article for a magazine: My favourite day.
Write 4 paragraphs. Answer the questions.
1. What's your favourite day of the week? Why?
2. What do you usually do in the morning?
3. Where do you have lunch? What do you usually do after lunch?
4. What do you usually do in the morning?
Check your article for mistakes.
Another example of an INFORMAL LETTER
Observe the ways we use to write FORMAL LETTERS. Pay attention to each pattern.
Before you begin writing, you must organize your ideas in one of many ways and create an outline, drawn from the organization developed in the prewriting tasks. Once you have a well-shaped outline you are ready to start writing a first draft of your composition. Every well-written paper is divided into three parts: an introduction, a body and a conclusion. Each one of them plays an important role in the development of the paper.
The introduction of a paper usually can be developed in a paragraph called the introductory paragraph in which you introduce the subject and give the reader a general view of the paper. This paragraph not only helps you to introduce the subject, but it also helps to get the attention of your readers.
Having done the introduction, the next step is to start working on the body of the paper. It is at this point when the outline designed in the prewriting stage acquires its crucial importance. The body of a composition is divided into paragraphs which do not have to have a specific length; some of them can be developed in onIy one sentence, and some others can be as long as one page.
Generally, paragraphs are developed from a topic sentence, which is usually found at the beginning of the paragraph. The topic sentence is the main idea of the paragraph. The rest of the sentences in the paragraph are subordinated ideas that support the main one. A topic sentence supplies the foundation on which to build the rest of the paragraph.
An effective way to establish a logical organization in the development of your paper is to use transitional devices. They tie together words in a sentence, sentences in a paragraph, and paragraphs in an essay. Used correctly they help the reader to understand the connection between one idea and another.
The last paragraph of a composition, or conclusion, is as important as the first paragraph or introduction. In it, the writer gives a closure to the topic. In this last paragraph you, as a writer have to summarize all the main points mentioned in the body of the paper. The conclusion has to be carefully written because the final paragraphs of a composition linger longest in the reader’s mind. You have to be extremely careful not to introduce new information that you are not going to be able to develop. Generally a good way to write the conclusion is to mention the thesis statement again but in different words.
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Interesting links with exercises that will help you to command EnglIsh!
Los ejercicios de estas ligas electrónicas te ayudarán enormemente!
![Reading and writing](,h_612,al_c,q_80,enc_avif,quality_auto/8d0cde_d42f9c3e6cb82a97f4d36f55b3f10119.jpg)
Isabel Pérez's workshops.
![Readings with audio](,h_437,al_c,q_80,enc_avif,quality_auto/8d0cde_ae0d63be44bd9c1992689867fc6be312.jpg)
Read and listen.
Use different activities for practicing your writing.
![Writing and present simple](,h_500,al_c,q_85,enc_avif,quality_auto/8d0cde_8abe04c400c01803f97ce0e49b905f65.jpg)
This activity requires writing as well as the use of the simple present.
![Fill the chart of present simple](,h_368,al_c,q_80,enc_avif,quality_auto/8d0cde_f33b4b06a3ec745123d46d96772ee5b1.jpg)
Now, you have to fill a chart in which the present simple is used.
Teachers! CLICK on the visual below and go to the site READING COMPREHENSION WORKSHEETS
By: Leslie Slape
Long, long ago, in the time of lords and ladies, castles and kings, monsters and dragons and magical rings, there was one who told, to young and old, tales of all these things.
The tale-teller traveled from village to village with his leather satchel over his shoulder, telling tales in exchange for a hot meal and a place to sleep ... and perhaps a new tale or two with him when he left. For tales are meant to be shared. If they’re not told, they crumble into dust.
On the night my story takes place, the townspeople were rejoicing with the news that the tale-teller was coming. The lord of the manor had opened the Great Hall and ...
Click on SHORT STORIES. You'll find lots of LITERATURE.
Click on READ ME.
Free ebooks - Project Gutenberg.
Once upon a time there lived an unhappy young girl. Her mother was dead and her father had married a widow with two daughters. Her stepmother didn't like her one little bit. All her kind thoughts and loving touches were for her own daughters. Nothing was too good for them – dresses, shoes, delicious food, soft beds, and every home comfort.
Hace mucho tiempo vivía una desdichada muchacha. Su madre había muerto y su padre se había casado con una viuda que tenía dos hijas. Su madrastra no la apreciaba para nada. Toda su amabilidad y cariño era para sus hijas propias. Nada les alcanzaba – vestidos, zapatos, comidas deliciosas, cómodas camas y todas las comodidades hogareñas.
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HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets
The Worst Birthday
Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast
at number four, Privet Drive. Mr Vernon Dursley had been woken
in the early hours of the morning by a loud, hooting noise from
his nephew Harry’s room.
‘Third time this week!’ he roared across the table. ‘If you can’t
control that owl, it’ll have to go!’
Harry tried, yet again, to explain.
‘She’s bored,’ he said. ‘She’s used to flying around outside. If I
could just let her out at night ... ’
‘Do I look stupid?’ snarled Uncle Vernon, a bit of fried egg dangling from his bushy moustache. ‘I know what’ll happen if that
owl’s let out.’
He exchanged dark looks with his wife, Petunia.
Harry tried to argue back but his words were drowned by a
long, loud belch from the Dursleys’ son, Dudley.
‘I want more bacon.’
‘There’s more in the frying pan, sweetums,’ said Aunt Petunia,
turning misty eyes on her massive son. ‘We must feed you up
while we’ve got the chance ... I don’t like the sound of that school
food ...’
‘Nonsense, Petunia, I never went hungry when I was at
Smeltings,’ said Uncle Vernon heartily. ‘Dudley gets enough, don’t
you, son?’
Dudley, who was so large his bottom drooped over either side
of the kitchen chair, grinned and turned to Harry.
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Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, generally known as Frankenstein, is a novel written by the British author Mary Shelley. The title of the novel refers to a scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who learns how to create life and creates a being in the likeness of man, but larger than average and more powerful. In popular culture, people have tended to refer to the Creature as "Frankenstein", despite this being the name of the scientist. Frankenstein is a novel infused with some elements of the Gothic novel and the Romantic movement. It was also a warning against the "over-reaching" of modern man and the Industrial Revolution, alluded to in the novel's subtitle, The Modern Prometheus. The story has had an influence across literature and popular culture and spawned a complete genre of horror stories and films. It is arguably considered the first fully realized science fiction novel.
Letter 1
St. Petesburgh. Dec. 11th, 17___
To Mrs. Saville, England
Yo will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise wich you have regarded which such evil forebodings. I arrived here yesterday, and my first task was to assure my dear sister of my welfare and increasing confidence in the success of my undertaking.
I am already far north of London, and as I walk in the streets of Petesburgh, I feel a cold northern breeze play upon my cheeks, which braces my nerves and fills me with delight. Do you understand this feeling? This breeze, wich has travelled from the regions towards which I am advancing, gives me a foretaste of those icy climes. Inspirited by this wind of promise, my daydreams become more fervent and vivid. I try in vain to be persuaded that the pole is the seat of frost and desolation; it ever presents itself to my imagination as the region of beauty and delight. There, Margaret, the sun is forever visible, its broad disk just skirting the horizon and diffusing a perpetual splendour. There—for with your ....
Click on the image of Frankeinstein to continue reading.
By Jerónimo Ledesma
Planning to write an academic work? Check out this 4 visuals and links in them.
Advice on academic writing.
Do you know which the sections of a research report are?
Check the link on the visual
How is your punctuation in writing?
Use appropriate words in your ACADEMIC ESSAYS
Use strong verbs instead of phrasal verbs.
Other useful words for reporting are assert, claim, argue, infer, reason, postulate and illustrate.
These are some of the colloquialisms which should not be used in your academic writings or essays.
This video has sripts of easy comprehension (vocabulary) of the stories. I recommend it for kids and basic levels.
Este vídeo contiene historias con audio y letra. Además contiene la traducción al español para una mayor comrpensión.
Excelente para niveles básico y niños.
CLICK on this visual.
The site of the BBC contains SHORTS STORIES that you can read and hear.
El sitio de la BBC contiene HISTORIAS que puedes leer y esuchar.
Reading aloud can enormously enrich our comprehension. Reading aloud requires the more active use of our hearing, memory and comprehension
(Leer en voz alta podría acercarnos a la comprensión a la vez que activa nuestra pronunciación).
Reading Aloud:
1. Sharpens Your Focus
2. Increases Your Vocabulary
3. Results in Greater Comprehension
4. Gives you an Opportunity to Play
5. Exercises Your Body
6. Challenges Your Use of Intonation
7. Improves Listening and Reading Skills
100 must-read Books
3. Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
Through the beloved Billy Pilgrim, we see the central themes of Vonnegut’s humanism along with his satirical take on how disgusting it is when humans don’t use their (limited) free will to prevent simple atrocities. A great example of how we use humor to deal with hardship, and the conflict between the way heroism is conveyed through stories for actions in situations that perhaps could have been avoided altogether.
“So then I understood. It was war that made her so angry. She didn’t want her babies or anybody else’s babies killed in wars. And she thought wars were partly encouraged by books and movies.”
1. The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald
Set on the East Coast in the roaring ’20s, this American novel is a classic. From it we learn that often the wanting of something is better than actually having it. It is relevant to every man’s life. Furthermore, one true friend is worth infinitely more than a multitude of acquaintances.
“He smiled understandingly-much more than understandingly. It was one of those rare smiles… It faced–or seemed to face–the whole external world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor.”
2. The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
Considered by most to be the authoritative text on statesmanship and power (how to obtain it as well as an illustration of its trappings), although certainly a shrewd one.
“From this arises an argument: whether it is better to be loved than feared. I reply that one should like to be both one and the other; but since it is difficult to join them together, it is much safer to be feared than to be loved when one of the two must be lacking.”
Essentially, Machiavelli advocates letting your people have their property and women, but making sure that they know what you are capable of doing if they step out of line.
5. The Republic by Plato
Since every man can use a fair portion of philosophy in his literary diet, the origin of legitimate western thought might be a good place to start. Plato’s most well known work breaks down topics of which you should have a fundamental understanding such as government, justice, and political theory.
Reading literature is an excellent way for students to make progress in English language learning.
Extensive reading “is generally associated with reading large amounts with the aim of getting an overall understanding of the material” (Bamford and Day 1997).
Extensive reading allows students to find pleasure in reading as they gain a general understanding of literary ideas, learn reading strategies, acquire new vocabulary, and increase their English proficiency.
Effective reading skills are vital in the EFL since spoken English is scanty.
Reading can be the only linguistic input when our students hardly ever participate in contexts.
The POCKET WADSWORTH HANDBOOK contains ideas and concepts that support many other writing skills in a very understandable way.
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Practical English by Ruben