About me
CURRICULUM VITAE (CV): Ruben Arellano Tecontero.
Language researcher. freelancer and English teacher.
Educación y Cursos
Pasante de la Maestría en Lingüística Aplicada. UAEMex. (2015-2017). Thesis for the MA in Applied Linguistics: LA EXPOSICIÓN A LA RESILABIFICACIÓN EN LA VELOCIDAD DEL DISCURSO EN ALUMNOS DE INGLÉS COMO HERRAMIENTA PARA MEJORAR SU HABLA.
Certificado de lectura y comprensión de textos en inglés para postgrado. UAEMex. (2014).
Teacher’s degree. Harmon Hall Tollocan (2006)
Constancia de examen de dominio del idioma inglés CELE-UAEMex. (2008).
Constancia de curso “Técnicas de aprendizaje de una segunda lengua” UAEMex. (2008)
Constancia de “Evaluación para catedráticos de idiomas” UAEMex. (2008)
Certificate of achievement. Santiago Canyon College. California, USA
Licenciado en Educación Física. Escuela Superior de Educación Física. (ESEF). Ciudad de México
Presentación en Congreso con el tema de investigación: “Exposure to resyllabification in English students as a tool to improve their speech velocity.” Universidad de Guanajuato. Abril, 2017.
Presentación del taller: Jazz Chants and Vocabulary Learning. Universidad de Tlaxcala. Nov. 2016.
Presentación en Coloquio del tema de investigación: “La exposición al linking y a la epéntesis en la velocidad del discurso en alumnos de inglés para mejorar su habla.” UAEMéx. Oct. 2016.
Presentación en Congreso del tema de investigación: “La exposición a la resilabificación en la velocidad del discurso en alumnos del nivel B2 de inglés como lengua extranjera para mejorar su velocidad de habla.” Universidad de Ixtlahuaca (CUI). Abril, 2016.
Presentación de cartel del proyecto de investigación: “La exposición al linking y a la epéntesis en la velocidad del discurso en alumnos de inglés para mejorar su habla.” Universidad de Pachuca. 2015.
Maestro de inglés en el Centro regional de Enseñanza de Lenguas (CRELe) de la Normal Superior del Estado de México. (ENSEM) Toluca, México. 2015.
Maestro de inglés de 2008 al 2013: Escuela Internacional de Lenguas.Tianguistenco, México.
Maestro de inglés de 2007 al 2008: Preparatoria Regional de Santiago Tianguistenco, México.
Extensión CELE de la Preparatoria Regional de Santiago Tianguistenco, México.
Maestro de inglés en 2008: Extensión CELE del CESU en Santiago Tianguistenco, México.
Maestro de curso TOEFL del 2006 al 2007. Toluca, México.
Maestro de inglés en el 2006: Preparatoria particular “Galeana” en Santa Ana Tepaltitlán, México.
Video with some of my album photos
¿Qué me llevó a estudiar la lengua inglesa en forma?
El problema; una pobre comprensión oral en la ESPONTANEIDAD en los discursos o en las conversaciones en hablantes nativos del inglés. No lograr entender lo que te dicen o lo que te preguntan. ¿La solución? Investigar los factores que aparentemente podrían ayudar a solucionar esta problemática.
El fin: lograr elevar nuestra compresión oral (listening).
Why did I decide to study English as a sum of phenomena?
Most Mexicans study English without being able to understand what native speakers say in casual conversations, independently of vocabulary or grammar.
¿Qué me lleva a estudiar la Licenciatura en Enseñanza del Inglés en el año 2010?
Cuando regresé a México, venía de haber fracaso en ámbitos de la compresión oral (listening). Comencé a estudiar el idioma inglés y pensé que la licenciatura me ayudaría a resolver el problema de la comprensión oral. Pero aunque aprendí cosas teóricas sobre gramática, vocabulario y esas cosas, no encontraría respuesta a mi problema. Ahora entiendo que esto es cosa de observación, análisis, e investigación.
Grosso modo, la problemática de la comprensión oral (listening) de la lengua inglesa la tenemos la mayoría de los Mexicanos que estudiamos inglés. Personalmente me he encargado de censar esta situación. Desafortunadamente, no ayuda de mucho ni una Licenciatura en Inglés ni tampoco un Teacher's en escuelas privadas, ya que por lo general, las clases centran su atención al desarrollo y enseñanza del vocabulario, la gramática, y al resto de las habilidades lingüísticas, pero la parte fonética y fonológica quedan muy alejadas de ser un blanco perfecto en la diáda enseñanza-aprendizaje.
Por otro lado, pude darme cuenta que la Licenciatura a Distancia no fue para mi una de las mejores opciones cuando tu interés está centrado en descubrir y saber atacar problemáticas. Uno de los problemas serios en esta Licenciatura es que los maestros o maestras tienen muy poco o nulo conocimiento del alumno, y casi siempre se dedican a dejar lecturas que uno discute de acuerdo al nivel de entendimiento de cada alumno. Al parecer, esta situación no nos ayuda a mejorar del todo, en especial porque considero que la lengua inglesa per se es un fenómeno tan grande como un océano.
Why study the BA in English?
My mind insisted on the discovery of the phenomena that has not been touched by our English teachers, and that was necessary to improve our oral comprehension. Unfortunately, the career was not a help at all because professors focus their efforts in teaching not in truely solving communicative processes.
¿Qué me llevo a tomar la Maestría en Lingüística Aplicada?
El título de mi tesina en LEI; "PHONETIC SYMBOLS THAT MAKE A POSITIVE INFLUENCE IN THE REACH OF A NORMATIVE ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION IN THE ENGLISH CLASSES FOR STUDENTS OF THE THIRD GRADE OF PUBLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLS" apenas fue un ligero acercamiento al campo o campos en los que residen muchos de los contratiempos que los aprendientes del inglés quisiéramos solucionar para que estos no nos marquen con desventajas a la hora de establecernos en un serio trabajo comunicativo con hablantes nativos.
El deseo de querer ingresar a la Maestría en Lingüística Aplicada era el de insistir en encontrar algo más que en realidad contribuyera a la solución del problema de la comprensión oral o listening. Si platicas este tema, ya conozco las respuestas o comentarios más comunes. Entre ellos; escucha música en inglés todo el tiempo, escucha las noticias en inglés, ve y escucha programas de TV en inglés, practica en conversaciones, pon atención en las palabras de contenido, etc, etc. No digo que esto no sea relevante, pero creo que el problema subyace a todo eso. Allí es a donde yo quiero llegar. (Para el trabajo de Tesis de la maestría dale clic; Thesis
El trabajo de Tesis lo he llevado a diferentes coloquios y congresos con el fin de encontrar comentarios e interés de estudio por parte de quienes visitan estos eventos. En alguna ocasión, un Doctor asistente al coloquio en la Universidad de Guanajuato me comentó que este tipo de trabajos o proyectos son interesantes. pero algo complejos, y que es debido a su complejidad que muy pocos investigadores lo toman en forma de investigación. Esa fue su opinión.
Why to study the MA in Applied Linguistics?
Because, I still want to answer the questions about the problems that underlie the lack of oral comprehension when English speakers use casual or spontaneous speech. At the end, I only want to be able to say; "I already know why some students don't understand real conversations".
I think I know the answers!!!
For the project of thesis of the MA click: MY PROJECT
"Si el alumno no aprende, el maestro no enseña"
"If the student doesn't learn, the teacher hasn't taught"
Born place: Mexico City
Motto: If you have a group, you are a researcher!
Bachelor's degree in English at UAEMex. Toluca, México.
Bachelor's degree in Physical Education at Escuela Superior de Educación Física (ESEF), México City.
2015-2017: MA in Applied Linguistics
Time of teaching English: since 2005
My favourite studying area: Phonetics and Phonology
Investagions related to: Connected speech (discurso oral)
My advice when learning a seond language: Work hard on all what has to do with pronunciation.
Hobby: To buy English courses or teaching materials
Favorite sport: Athletics
Free time: Reading, play handball, and studying other languages.
Favourite book: El país de las sombras largas (Top of the world) es una novela escrita en 1950 por el escritor suizo Hans Ruesch. Best seller.
What I enjoy: To reaalize that we can improve our reading comprehension techniques and that we can enjoy learning
Favourite bands: Beatles
Favourite phrase: Hard work beats talent!
Visited places: many in Mexico USA, and Canada.
Dislikes: Politics (butI have to know a liitle bit about it)
Major disadvantage for me when studying the online career: Most of teachers hardly ever focus on your needs as a student
Challenge: Among others, to show that we can make students enjoy learning English by creating materials according to their needs!
Speciality in Athletics: 1500 and 1600 mts
Personal records in athletics
Personal record in 400 mts: 56 seconds
Personal record in track in 1500 mts: 3:58 minutes
Personal record in track in 1600 mts: 4:11 minutes
Personal record in 5 kilometers in route; 15: 45 minutes
Personal record in 10 kilometers in route: 35:55 minutes
Best thing I did while teaching in a preparatory: Give away English Oxford dictionaries to some of my students because they were students of working class.
Why am I critized?: Because I normally spend most of my money in teaching materials... lol!
Time I spend in front of my computer to do homework and read: 8 hours in average.
My phrase: If you have a computer and internet, you are on the way to have a lot of knowledge!
Ruben Arellano Tecontero.
September 2017
After a couple of years working on the activities to get an MA degree at UAEMex (University), I keep the hard work on the thesis project. The topic is related to the areas of Phonology and Phonetics. Many people in Mexico think that investing too much time in study is not good at all. I disagree with them. I have also a bit more time to do some outdoor activities such as running and playing handball. Although doing research is kind of tiring for me, it is wothwhile doing it because I have realized its importance in the application of theories in life and in education. Unfortunately, only a few people and teachers do this important task.
Aún me encuentro trabajando en el proyecto de tesis. La investigación es una de las áreas mas fascinantes. Todo maestro y profesionista debería abordarla con el fin de explorar más sobre las causas y efectos que ocurren y son detectables en cada una de las áreas. Personalmente pienso que existe una conexión entre todo los que nos rodea. Una consciencia sobre esto podría ayudarnos bastante en el desarrollo de nuestra propia tarea profesional.
Actualmente estoy estudiando la Maestría en Lingüística Aplicada. Es un proyecto de 2 años durante los cuales nos encontramos en constante labor sobre la literatura y sobre la aplicación de proyectos. El proyecto principal es la tesis. En ella se establece un contacto muy cercano desde el primer día de clase. En teoría no deberías dejar la tesis por ninguna razón, sin embargo las exigencias en las materias de cada semestre son exigentes en la medida en que son también importantes. En ocasiones el tiempo que te toma encontrarle el sentido a un tema, te lleva más días de lo que el maestro hubiera contemplado en un estudiante de maestría. Los esfuerzos no son en vano porque en realidad te vas fortaleciendo día a día, en especial si en lugar de tomarte un fin de semana divirtiéndote mejor lo dedicas al estudio. A veces uno piensa; "Bueno, esto no va a ser siempre o toda la vida", y así te sientes más tranquilo.
Mi recomendación sería que si entras a una maestría de calidad, debes primero haber leído muchísimo sobre los temas que son de tu área o especialidad y que son con los que vas te vas a comprometer en la maestría. Si cuentas con hábitos de lectura que te permiten leer y comprender a grandes velocidades, entonces ya tienes un punto a tu favor, sino mejor espera a prepararte en ese aspecto. Y es que las lecturas son super importantes en cada semestre. También debes pensar que ya casi no existirán fines de semana para disfrutarlos en familia, ni eventos sociales, pero en cambio aprenderás un montón sobre los aspectos lingüísticos.
Yo creo que si hoy quisiera viajar, me enfocaría en los aspectos lingüísticos y culturales de otros lugares. Me interesan las expresiones de tipo coloquial que personas de otras lenguas usan, así como aquellas que se usan dentro de las variedades del español. También me gustaría irme a vivir por un tiempo a lugares en los que se hable otra lengua dentro de México y recabar información sobre la influencia que podría llegar a tener el idioma español que se habla en México.
Currently I am studying the MA in Applied Linguistics in a university of Mexico. It is a porject of 2 years in which we are working hard on readings of topics related to the Linguistics field. We aslo read articles of researches around the world to have a better idea of the phenomena in certain areas of study. The most important project for us from the onset of the career is the thesis. You must go to sleep thinking about your thesis an wake up thinking about it again. That's the way. We are normally short of time to finish each task every day. The tasks and projects during the semester are so demanding. We struggle to find the ways to do tasks and projects well, but at the end you see that you are really learning a lot! Thats' great!
If you plan to take an MA like this one, you should have strong learning and reading strategies, and also have lots of knowledge about the project you are looking for to start your thesis.
Because of the multiple demanding academic tasks, I prefer to stay in my town until I finish the career. I have always loved visiting other places becasue it is an illustrative way to learn about our or other cuture. I think that all the cultures have interesting aspects to be studied. My major interest is based on the linguistics ones. I have also said that the vision I have to visit other places is very different from the one I had some years ago. It is because I have learned to understand the importance of every single element of a particular culture.
Poco a poco me he dado cuenta que el aprender un idioma como el inglés requiere de paciencia, mucho estudio, estrategias efectivas de aprendizaje, entendimiento de las estructuras del inglés (gramática), interés por la cultura del idioma que se aprende, dedicación a la lectura, desarrollo de un oído para entender los sonidos del inglés, trabajo sobre la pronunciación, habilidad para el manejo del acento americano o británico, etc. Cuando yo fui a estados unidos por primera vez, pensé que mi inglés era bueno porque así me lo hicieron creer, pero yo simplemente estudiaba las estructuras o gramática e intentaba pronunciar de acuerdo a mis maestr@s, Ahora me doy cuenta que eso no bastó y que en mi caso necesitaba de más elementos como la lectura, ya que por medio de la lectura uno adquiere mucho más vocabulario. Lo siguiente sería usar el idioma en circunstancias de la vida real, ya que los libros sólo te traen una parte del mundo inglés.
My experience and study of the English language have taught me that learning a language is not easy. Among other things, it invloves dedication, pacience, aptitude to read, work on listening skills, work on speaking skills, use of formal and informal language, knowledge of the English or American culture, knowledge of the phonological system of the target language, etc.
Another of my first English course I would pick up every week at the newsstand at age 14
Otro de los cursos que fui adquiriendo a la edad de 14.
Uno de mis primeros libros de inglés que compré en el puesto de periódicos.
One of my first books to learn English when I was a secondary schools student. I got it from a newsstand
Views of Toluca, Mexico
About my me and professional life / Sobre mi y mi carrera profesional
English in my life
At age 5, and while living in Mexico City, I learned my first English words. My parents sent me to take classes which were given by a Mexican neighbour who had come from the USA. Teacher taught us the names of color, animals, and other groups of things. We used to draw and things like those. The address of our apartment in Mexico city: Sucre 113-1. Colonia Moderna. The primary school I attended had the name in honor to one of the Mexican presidents; "Presidente Plutarco Elías Calles" in the Reforma Iztaccihuatl delegation (Mexico City is divided in seccions called "delegaciones").
At age 8, my family and I moved to the town where my parents were born in the state of Mexico. I lost contact with my classmates and friends from Mexico City.
At age 9, and while living in the State of Mexico, I attended English classes for 2 weeks in a program opened by the primary school "Licenciado Benito Juárez" in Santiago Tianguistenco, Mexico. A major exposure to English would occur during the secondary and preparatory schools.
If you would've asked me how I had kept exposure to language, the answer woul've been; "I used to buy English courses that one could find at the newsstand weekly, every two weeks, or monthly."
During my 3 years of secondary school in my town, the English class was given by only 2 teachers. José Guadalupe was a super teacher who master his subject and who was an inspirational teacher. The other one was very critiziced because of his lack of proficiency in English. Additionally, the latter could have neither pedagogical nor didactic resources that could make him more effecctive while teaching the language.
Teacher José Guadalupe was a good onebecause he was dynamic, knowledgeable, with personality to control groups, friendly. willing to help students, strict, and a basketbal player. And he would play basketball well!
At that age, English became my favourite subject. The best grades I got came from it.
My life in sports
I have always felt a passion for sports, specially athletics and soccer. I belonged to the athletics team of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMéx). At that time, I studied a career in Chemistry at the "Facultad de Ciencias Químicas de la UAEMéx", but I would quit because of my goals in athletics. I would train every day in the stadium of the university for amost 3 years. Our coach's name José Socorro Neri of Ocoyoacac, México. He was a professional runner who participated in Olympic Games like those held in Mexico in 1968.
One of the most worderful things that I must thank athletics is the fact that it was the medium or via to visit other places in Mexico and abroad. At the same time, I met many people because doing sports helps you to socialize with other people.
Athletics would take me to take a Phisycal Education career in Mexico City and, later, I worked as a physical education teacher in secondary and preparatory schools. Taking some advantages of my physical condition and by the knowledge I got from the training courses in soccer, I referee soccer games in different leagues of Mexico and USA.
Visit to the USA
Because of the sports activities, in which I was immersed, I had the opportunity to go to the USA. There, I realized that the English language that we, Mexicans, learn in Mexico, specially, in the area of Mexico City and Toluca, is not at all good as to understand it when coming from native speakers.
I remember one of the most frustrating moments dealing with English; it happened the day I entered a McDonalds in Oklahoma, USA. When I asked for what I was going to have, I could make myself understood, but when the McDonalds employee operating a cash register, and who was an Afro-American, talked to me, I couldn't understand anything.
Speech phenomena, which is part of everyday conversations among speakers, seemed very distant form me at that time. I came back to Mexico very frustrated of my level of listening in English, but at the same time I had made a new discovery during my staying in the USA; the existence of symbols that are used to represent the sounds of languages. Woo-hoo!!!
Visit to Canada
In 2002, I was invited by one of my sisters to Canada. I accepted to go because of the importance of knowing the Canadian culture. I realized that Canadians are friendly people. Canada is formed by people born in different countries who apply to get a Canadian citizenship. Canada is a multicultural country. Nowadays, I know that Canada supports multiculturality.
Teaching training course
For some time, I was looking for programs that coul help me to get a diploma that supported me as an English teacher and so get a job. I visited some known schools in Mexico, but unfortunatelly, they had no courses for training teachers at that moment. It seemed to me that there are not much interest on create programs like that.
One day, I received a telephone call telling me that one of the branches of Harmon Hall language schools had recently opened a course. I immediately went to the school to apply for it not before they made me take a TOEFL test to check if my English level was good enough to be accepted. During the course, I detected that programs for trainign teachers are not good at all and that some teachers are not trained at all to guide this courses. Additionaly, I felt that a course like that could be better if the contents would've been updated or adapted to the specific coditions of our teachers and students.
At the end of the course, we worked on a final project. It consisted in presenting a collection of activities which would be printed and revised by our teacher or someone else. I think that it was an unnecessary expense because our activities were never checked out or revised and we never received comments or feedback about our final project. If you had looked at the type of work we did in our final projects, you would have said that more training and reading should've been required.
Looking for a job
Instead of looking for the reasons why my level of undertstanding English was not good, I started looking for job positions as an English teacher. Schools would not accept me because of my curriculum included only professional experience as a physical educator but it didn´t include experience in Pedagogy or Didactics in teaching languages.
Decided to confirm if my hypothesis was correct; Is speaking comprehension one of the most difficult problems for students of English? I ended taking an 8-month teachers course at Harmon Hall near Toluca, México. I entered this course for two main reasons; first, to find an answer to my hypothesis. Second, to get a diploma to get a job as an English teacher. Unfortunatelly, I couldn't find a scientific answer for it.
I started teaching English in private and public schools in the State of Mexico where I could observe that my students have also difficulties to understand audios where native speakers converse among them. Their not understanding would make me think that more work should be done on pronunciation, but how?
Statrting a Bachelor's degree in Teaching Languages.
The reasons above took me to study English with a more professional vision. I sat the University admision test for the Bachelor's degree in Teaching English.I was accepted in the career called Licenciatura en Enseñanza del Inglés para Maestros en Activo, an online program offered by the UAEMéx. The career lasted 3 years and a half. My dissertation was related to Phonology. I thought thatwriting and talking about it could help me to understand more of the listening problems when learning English. As a matter of fact, it was the corner stone that opened my mind in the academic world alhough with many drawbacks during my studies because of my poor comprehension strategies. So sad!
Tittle of my disertation to get the degree in the BA in Teaching English / Título de la tesina de licenciatura
"Phonetic symbols that make a positive influence in the reach of a normative English pronunciation in the English classes for students of the third grade of public secondary schools."
Master's in Applied Linguistics
In 2014, I applied for the MA in Applied Linguistics, but I failed. I know that the failure I commited was on the section of writing where we had to talk about 3 topics realted to the Linguistics field. In the year 2015, I tried the entrance exam and I finally passed it.
October 2016. The program is divided in 4 semesters. The most important project for this program is the thesis.
Semester I: Fonética y fonología / Teorías de adquisición y aprendizaje de lenguas/ Diseño y selección de materiales didácticos/ Metodología de la investigación.
Semester II: Morfosintáxs/ Evaluación/ Enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras/ Estrategias y técnicas de investigación.
Semester III: Semántica y pragmática/ Sociolingüística/ Teoría y diseño curricular/ Formación de profesores/ Seminario de tesis I.Semester IV: Lingüística contrastiva/ Temas selectos/ Análisis del discurso aúlico/ Seminario de tesis II.
When you go to the university, you learn if you have learning strategies as well as strategies for reading comprehension. If you don't have those strategies, you have to struggle to find them quickly because teachers hardly ever share with you the way they learn. At least, I have never known a teacher who shares that way. So, I like to be a person who discovers the ways by myself. I share them with people, of course.
Main cathedral in Mexico City
Paseo de la Reforma main avenue
Mexico City
The place where I lived until age 8 before moving to the State of Mexico.
Address: Sucre 113 Colonia Moderna in Mexico, City
Facultad de Ciencias Químicas
Toluca, México
I studied here 2 semesters before going to Mexico City to study Physical education.
University Stadium
Toluca, Mexico
I trained here for 3 years before being accepted at ESEF.
Leading the 1500 meters at ESEF during the event called "Relevos Interiores de la ESEF"
ESEF. Mexico City
My Alma Mater in Physical Education
Centro de Idiomas Benjamín Franklin
Mexico City
Academia de Idiomas Tepeyac
Mexico City
Language center BERLITZ
Toluca, Mexico
Harmon Hall
Comonfort Avenue
Facultad de Lenguas de la UAEMéx
Toluca, México
Some of my students of level B1 and me at CRELe ENSEM.
Toluca, Mexico
Write me a mail and let me know about you, I'd like to know your comments so that I can improve this site. Thanks!
Click on each address to go to the web page.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/areruben10
Tweeter: RubenRuben08
Research Project / Proyecto de investigación
Universidad de Ixtlahuaca 2016. México.
One of the firsts exposures in an auditorium. Talking about the resyllabification process.
En una de las primeras exposiciones sobre el tema de la resilabificación como fenómeno del connected speech o discurso oral.
Home, PRONUNCIATION PROJECTS ENGLISH COURSE A1 PHONETICS PET Teaching Grammar CHILDREN CAE C1 British and American English, Evaluation BRITISH Pronunciation,
VOCABULARY, COLLOCATIONS, GRAMMAR Grammar in Video ESPAÑOL Listening, Reading and writing. American Accent, Songs, Phrasal verbs, IDIOMS, Slangs, Movies, Speak up, FCE, TOEFL, Online NEWSPAPERS, TEACHERS, TEACHING Acquisition and Learning of L2, Materials BIOGRAPHY
Gramática de inglés en ESPAÑOL The Eye THESIS PROJECT Sociolonguistics ENGLISH in MEXICO
Practical English by Ruben